This is our team Code of Conduct. We will read this together and decide as a team if we agree with the terms set out below:
1. We will always listen during practices.
2. We will try our best all the time.
3. We will cheer and encourage all our team members.
4. We will not complain about a referee’s decision.
5. After every game, we will shake hands with the referee and say, “Thank you.”
6. After each game, we will shake hands with the other team in a cheerful manner and say, “Good
7. If we cause another player to get hurt, we will ask if they are okay and offer to help them up.
8. We will thank our parents or whoever took the time to drive us to practice or a game because if it
wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be able to play.
Download the form and sign it, consenting to abde by the code of condct, before admission.